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Raymond J Wilson

All my sons


Raymond J Wilson

in: Art, literature, and passions of the skies, Dordrecht : Springer

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The disenchantment of the sky in Tom Stoppard's jumpers


Raymond J Wilson

in: Art, literature, and passions of the skies, Dordrecht : Springer

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James Joyce's "Ivy day in the committee room" and the five codes of fiction


Raymond J Wilson

in: Destiny, the inward quest, temporality and life, Dordrecht : Springer

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The source, form, and goal of art in Anton Chekhov's The sea gull


Raymond J Wilson

in: Destiny, the inward quest, temporality and life, Dordrecht : Springer

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The philosopher's pupil, Iris Murdoch's post-modern allegory of the creative process


Raymond J Wilson

in: Art inspiring transmutations of life, Dordrecht : Springer

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The pain of the seer in the civilization of the blind


Raymond J WilsonJerre Collins

in: Art inspiring transmutations of life, Dordrecht : Springer

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Existence and historical fabulation


Raymond J Wilson

in: Existence, historical fabulation, destiny, Dordrecht : Springer

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Gail Godwin


Raymond J Wilson

in: Existence, historical fabulation, destiny, Dordrecht : Springer

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Measure or excess


Raymond J Wilson

in: Beauty's appeal, Dordrecht : Springer

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Striving and accepting limits as competing meta-virtues


Raymond J Wilson

in: Virtues and passions in literature, Dordrecht : Springer

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Time in post-modern fiction


Raymond J Wilson

in: Temporality in life as seen through literature, Dordrecht : Springer

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A phenomenological theory of literary creativity


Raymond J Wilson

in: Logos of phenomenology and phenomenology of the logos V, Dordrecht : Springer

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In first century Rome


Raymond J Wilson

in: The enigma of good and evil, Dordrecht : Springer

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The phenomenology of ethical criticism


Raymond J Wilson

in: The enigma of good and evil, Dordrecht : Springer

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Gardens in Stoppard, Austen, and Goethe


Raymond J Wilson

in: Gardens and the passion for the infinite, Dordrecht : Springer

Metaphoric and metonymic symbolism


Raymond J Wilson

in: The visible and the invisible in the interplay between philosophy, literature and reality, Dordrecht : Kluwer

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A map of terms


Raymond J Wilson

The American Journal of Semiotics 15/1-4

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Heidegger's "The origin of the work of art" and the phenomenology of meter


Raymond J Wilson

in: The poetry of life in literature, Dordrecht : Kluwer

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The comedy of the false apperception


Raymond J Wilson

in: Enjoyment, Dordrecht : Kluwer

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The secret place of literary creativity in John Fowles's


Raymond J Wilson

in: Passion for place Book II, Dordrecht : Springer

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"et in arcadia ego" in John Fowles's a maggot


Raymond J Wilson

in: The elemental passion for place in the ontopoiesis of life, Dordrecht : Kluwer

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Metaphoric and metonymic allegory


Raymond J Wilson

in: Allegory old and new, Dordrecht : Springer

The broken allegory


Jerre CollinsRaymond J Wilson

in: Allegory revisited, Dordrecht : Kluwer

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